Price and practical information dansk
For the sake of the educational environment and the level of ambition of this program the students are required to have a high degree of:
Students of this program
The group
A certificate
is mandatory for students who wish to continue with the 6 months individual training program. Certificate of Acknoledgement is given to students who pass the final test that ends the 2 year intensive educational program. The final test
will give you Certificate of Completion required to be a practitioner approved by Wise World Academy. This final test will be held when you and Cassandra Mohildy agree that you are ready. The test will be designed for you personally, according to your unique skills that have come forth during the program. Once you have received Certificate of Completion from the final test, you will get your name on the list of practitioners approved by Wise World Academy - if you so wish of course.
In some cases Wise World Academy may find it necessary to remove a practitioner's name from the list. If it is considered irresponsible and inappropriate to continue working with private clients. The intention with this program
fee for the group 2017-19
The 2 year educational program: 8.644 euro distributed in Initial fee 800 euro Tuition fee 327 euro per month included in the educational fee: Teachings, training and highly qualified supervision during education weekends and journeys. A test with individuel client session and Certificate of Acknowledgement in addition to the educational fee: Books, other materials, meals, travel and accommodation expenses The 6 month training program:
2.950 euro distributed in tuition fee 492 euro per month included in the training program fee: Supervision connected with the 30 sessions of client work training - this might be en a small group too in addition to the training program fee: Test and certificate fee 343 euro paid when you are ready for your final test payment details |