Clients say |
‘The Wise World Academy is situated on the other side of Copenhagen from me, about 8 km. I always take the metro and bus to get there but on the way home, I always seem to end up flying. Five minutes into my first session with Cassandra, I could already feel that the connection was there. After half an hour, I had come further than six hours with a 'traditional therapist '.
I'm the sort of person who has never made life plans and so it's the same when I have a session with her. On the way there I'm wondering what the hell we're going to talk about but within a few minutes we're always deep into something. Cassandra has an abundance of sensitivity and empathy and just tunes into 'whatever'. 'Whatever', being maybe angst for flying, for an exam or just a maybe 'simple' life crisis problem. She often asks me a question and I'm thinking, 'what kind of a question is that ? ' If I can't give an answer, (after asking her to repeat it once or twice ), she usually tells me she doesn't need an answer and let's it go…….the answer usually turning up a few days later while I'm standing in a supermarket queue . The person who recommended her to me warned that she 'wouldn't let me get away with anything'. I quickly found that to be true. At the WWA you are allowed to be whoever you want to be; to be yourself is best but not always the easiest I guess. Cassandra is, to put it one way, further down the road than most of us (my humble, personal observation) and she has helped me tremendously on my path. Some people would call that 'a guide'. I'm not sure what word to use as most of what Cassandra does is beyond words. In my perfect world, there would be someone from The Wise World Academy practicing in every Kindergarten, every school, university and work place. And then the world would have a greater chance of being at peace.' Keith 65 'My sessions with Cassandra have really changed the way I see my problems. It is a great opportunity to talk about different issues while I also have been giving different tools to understand my problems and myself better'. Christian 19
'With you Cassandra I experience a space where there is room to just be. A space where it feels safe to get in touch with my body and soul, and I clearly feel how my body and cells thank me for stepping into this space. After the last session you said a sentence that very well describes the experience I often have when we're together. "In came a brain and out went a body", you said. And we laughed, but it was true. I had my head full of thoughts and body filled with tension when I arrived, but here I was now on my way out the door and felt warm and soft as jelly. What an experience'. Marie-Louise 30
'For the first time ever I felt the original me starting to blossom, and I felt an unfamiliar willingness to nurture me'. Lotta 53
'Without judging or making decisions for me, Cassandra made me consider important aspects of my social life, which were not obvious to me before. This helps me make more qualified choices. She helped me become more aware of the connection between the thoughts in my mind and the feeling in my body, so they can work together in both extreme situations and everyday considerations. Together we developed small exercises to practice for myself on daily basis. It helps me understand subtle dynamics between me and others and to behave more constructively in social situations'.
Mikkel 30 'You must meet Cassandra. What she does is quite special and she is a great woman '. That was the recommendation I got from a friend, and I have to say a big YES. I came to Cassandra full of both disappointment after some wrecked marriages, low self-esteem, insecurity, anxiety in my relationships and several periods of depression behind me. In a short time Cassandra helped me turn that around, so joy, faith and hope of recovery are blooming inside me now.
Her presence is unique, both with and without words. Her hands are so healing, and when she unexpectedly burst into her unique songs and sounds it starts vibrating deeply in my cells, and abundance starts flowing. Gently provocative, ordinary, full of wisdom, given to laughter, unprejudiced, physical, questioning, spiritual and loving are just some of Cassandra's characteristics. Therefore, she is as a midwife for me, who during nearly 60 years, have longed for more comprehensive integrity and direction in my life - both within myself and with other people'. Kirstine 59 'I am going filled with me'. Pia 51
'It is hard to find words that fit, as the best thing about Cassandra's sessions is found between words and perhaps even beyond words.
I experience a sense of confidence, which to me is a something I've never really been able to feel in my body. This is why I come back. I do not have to explain anything and do not need to dodge either incoherent thoughts or irrational feelings, but everything still has a meaning if only I can see it and accept it. And if not, this is where I get help from Cassandra. I gain courage and insight on my way towards the development of my consciousness. Though the process may begin from a narrow, suffocating and painful state inside, it develops into an exciting transformation of my self where my emotions become my guidance instead of being obstacles. I am omni-grateful'. Annette 49 |
'Through the guidance of Cassandra I find out that I have emotional ressources which give me the power to be the man I wanna be - proud of being me.' Torben 43
'We walk away from ourselves and can’t find the way back. Cassandra is telling me this. She is trying to show me how to stay centred. Keep the real me inside the actual me. I understand the words, the general idea, but the truth of what she is saying is just evading me. I don’t really get what she means at all. I can tell that no matter how hard I try to get my head round it, I’m missing something.
So I tell her, and she says, don’t worry about it. That’s what I pay her for after all. To challenge me over stuff I never knew existed then tell me it’s alright. It always takes me a few days to process the latest delivery. Cycling home I feel light-headed and it’s like first-time sex: everything has changed and you are looking at the familiar world with new eyes and everything looks more beautiful than before, just how it’s supposed to be. I still don’t get it'. Nick 52 'Cassandra helps me getting back home to 'me'. To feel the root of my life. The feeling is so deep that I find it hard to express it with words; it is larger than that. Cassandra helps me to open my heart and my body'. It makes me strong. The joy of life returns as a warm and vibrant energy'. Nina 37
'Cassandra manages in a very simple and understandable way to help me become more conscious about the great complexity of cohabitation from a deep theoretical knowledge as well as from her own long life experience.
During our conversation she is totally present and capable of giving me questions and information that I feel is important to talk about. That way I become more understanding and aware about myself and others, and it brings to my life new constructive ways to act. The fact that she has gone through a great maturation and development in her own life makes Cassandra very understanding and trustworthy in her reflection about life crises and changes. I always go home with renewed hopes and dreams for the future'. Jette 50 'After 20 years in a big international organization I was offered to leave my job on very good terms – so called ”golden handshake”. I used to love my job, but the last few years it had become a stressful workplace, that I really wanted to leave, but could not afford. Suddenly this opportunity occurred and it was hard to believe that I could start a whole new life. I was happy, and at the same time I had bitter feelings for my organization. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. When I told this to Cassandra she said that I should try to change my negative attitude and remember all the good things that had happened to me during my career and take these with me. We worked on that and suddenly I realized that I had nice colleagues, that we had lots of fun, interesting events, meetings, travels, and a great team! I realized that I had accumulated a great deal of experience and knowledge, and that I would like to keep in contact with my colleagues. Cassandra made me see my situation with different eyes. Instead of saying goodbye with bitter negative feelings and hate, I was filled with vital energy to look forward to my new life. I felt so much stronger'. Irina 60
'When I met Cassandra I felt tired and burdened of having to meet all the demands as a self-employed single mother and a human being. During the session Cassandra finds the places in my body that hurts and need to be softened. She asks questions in a way that make my answers come easily. She helps me release and breath.
That day I got rid of the fear of being unable to cope with my life. I felt lighter. New. And full of gratitude'. Ellen 42 'For a long time I refused to get help. But one day I got enough of my friends and I called my mom and said I wanted to have an appointment with Cassandra. I was really scared and nervous, but just 1 hour later I felt a bond. When I talk to Cassandra, I feel like a free person. I can be myself - I feel free as a butterfly.
Wise World Academy is a super idea, and I believe that it makes many people happy. Cassandra is one of the few people who really understands life. She is one of the few where I think WOW when she says something. I feel very inspired by Cassandra and I am glad to have met her'. Karina 14 'During my sessions with Cassandra it is easy for me to keep away all the things that usually disturbs me. It's like being in another dimension - without time and space. Everything become very clear and Cassandra senses me as I am. When she speaks I never feel her words are coming from a textbook. She has an insight coming from somewhere else.
Everything is focused on me when I am there. And I never feel that I am just the next in line. It is very sincere, she understands me, even though I do not understand myself and she 'pulls' me in a new direction. Cassandra gently cuts through the layers I hide behind, and she never looses track. The energy that occurs when we are together is more and more what I now allow to be present when I'm out in the world. And that is how I want it to be. I feel that all the silly little details, the noise and the bad energy from the outside disappear'. Pia 36 |