Warm Welcome to my 20 years Anniversary Celebration
It was in 1998, in a lovely little basement room just outside Copenhagen, that the first seed was sown to what has grown into a well-rooted Wise World Academy Tree.
Many have been part of this tree growing strong. Many have been exploring their own way to open their heart and eyes to see, that behind all learnt and taught ways and whys we are already enough and whole.
I myself have explored a lot along the way too… and I have come to realize that effortless living and deep trust is the only way for me to be. I am living in a body that will not tolerate me pushing or expecting what is not ready to be. Respecting and honoring this and the path calling me is how I have become free. And how I have come to love unconditionally.
I honor every human being I have met. I bow to what is possible, I really do… seeing and being the witness to hundreds of life journeys… I could not have asked for anything more beautiful, more meaningful, powerful, touching or more right for me to do. I am living daily with one big THANK YOU inside of me. How could I not? This was a gift… it still is.
On the 26th of September 2018 I will open my door to invite you to celebrate with me my 20 years anniversary.
Celebration, Champagne and Canapes will be served at 5 pm in my home and work place at Tåsingegade 52, 2100 Copenhagen.
You are more than welcome.
Let me know if you wish to join me in this celebrating moment.
Much love and appreciation,
Cassandra Mohildy